The Year Ahead: 2023

For a charity, being sustainable involves a great deal of forward planning and preparation for the future. This helps to ensure support and resources can continue to be provided to those who need it most, even as economic, and environmental conditions change. Hence in 2023, HCSA will focus on building and ensuring sustainability. Anchoring these efforts is the central theme – Together We Can Go Far – an advancement from 2022’s theme of ‘We’re All In T.H.I.S (Transforming HCSA Inside-Out, Step-by-Step) Together.

The three main areas of sustainability will be on:


Empowering changes that last… for our beneficiaries, staff, and volunteers

To increase the number of beneficiaries who use HCSA’s services and whom we hope will eventually want to give back too and serve in their own capacity, we aim to strengthen our programmes’ respective alumni groups and provide more opportunities for them to give back to the community.

In addition, we will optimise our manpower through robust digitalisation of our human resources and volunteer management processes. Being aware of the intensive nature of social service work, we will also continue to invest in our people through our career development processes and coaching/training programmes. We will also carry out health and well-being activities for our staff.


Maintaining and growing our services with short- and long-term financial stability

Besides establishing an effective donor and volunteer management system, we will increase our branding and awareness efforts to attract new potential donors. We will also maintain and nurture our working relationships with existing partners in order to expand our network of donors. To ensure both our internal and external resources are efficiently utilised, rigorous financial planning and management will continue to be in place.


Doing our part to conserve natural resources to support our and future generations’ health and wellbeing

We recognise that the planet we live in has finite resources, and education is important for green initiatives to take seed. Some of the efforts that we will ramp up are reducing the use of single-use plastics and water wastage, and increasing the rate of 5 R’s – Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle.